Displaced #1 (of 5) Cvr B Shalvey


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(W) Ed Brisson (A) Luca Casalanguida (CA) Declan Shalvey. The city of Oshawa* Ontario has vanished without a trace. Even worse* nobody remembers it or the 170*000 missing residents that disappeared along with it. As the survivors also fall into the forgotten* they must seek each other out* if they hope to have any chance of surviving in a world where no one believes they exist... Highly acclaimed writer Ed Brisson (Batman: The Brave and the Bold* Predator)* rising star artist Luca Casalanguida (Regarding the Matter of Oswald's Body* James Bond)* and red hot colorist Dee Cunniffe (Barnstormers* Crossover) pose the question... how can you feel connected to reality or each other if by all veritable means* you don't exist?

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